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British Shorthair 101 : Breed u0026 Personality

Kitten Life

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#Shorthair #Britishshorthaircat101 #cat101

In today's video, we are going to walk you through one of the most recognized cat breeds out there. This breed was famously featured in a couple of films and animation. Growing up you might have seen some of them without even noticing it. Featured in Films such as Shrek, the puss in boots, and Alice in Wonderland's, grinning Cheshire Cat. Just to name a few.

The British Shorthair.

The British Shorthair is an English native. During the Victorian era, with the advent of cat shows, cat fanciers started to breed the cats to a particular requirement, and create pedigrees for them. The only pedigreed cats exhibited, were British Shorthairs at the earliest cat shows. All the others were described simply by form, or color of coat.

Two world wars weakened the breed. And after World War II, few British Shorthairs remained. The Shorthairs, as they are called in Britain, were revitalized with the aid of many other breeds.

The American Cat Association recognized the British Shorthair in 1967. But it was not approved until 1980, by the Cat Fanciers Association. Now, the breed is accepted by all cat societies.

Mellow and easygoing, the British Shorthair makes him an ideal family pet. They love attention, but not in a type of '"always give me attention" kind of way. Expect that throughout the day, he will follow you around the house and settle nearby wherever you rest.

The Shorthair has a quiet voice, and is full of British reserve. Also something to take note of is that the British Shorthair, is an undemanding companion. He respects personal space quite often as well. He doesn't need a lap, but he loves to sit next to you. As a large cat, he isn't fond of being carried around.

This is a cat with an activity level that is moderate and reasonable. During kittenhood, they are lively but they usually begin to calm down by the time they are about a year old. British Shorthairs, who are more mature, are usually couch potatoes. though adult males occasionally act like goofballs. They can sound like a herd of elephants as they run through the house.

British Shorthairs are fairly large cats.

The average weight for a male British shorthair is 12 to 20 pounds, female short hairs tend to weigh significantly lower, at about 8 to 14 pounds.

This mildmannered cat is well adapted to life with families who have children and catfriendly dogs. They love the attention that they receive from children. British Shorthairs are respectful of clumsy toddlers, and are known to have a reasonable patience level towards children. Without hesitation, these cats are very forgiving and affectionate. Supervising young kids and showing them how to nicely pet a cat, is the best way to have a wellbalanced family. It is best to let your children sit on the floor, and let them gently pet your British shorthair, instead of holding or carrying the cat.

British Shorthairs are rarely damaging to their environment. Surprisingly, they have good manners, and can be trained easily. They enthusiastically welcome visitors, and treat them as part of the family.

If you’re looking for a buddy who stays calm as a cucumber and won’t do much pestering, this might just be the feline for you.

Both pedigreed cats and mixedbreed cats have varying incidences of health problems that may be genetic in nature. Problems that have been seen in the Shorthairs are gingivitis, and hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, both of which can affect any breed.

So it is highly advisable to always keep your cat's oral health in check, be sure to brush and clean their teeth regularly. Also, check if your cat is getting the right amount of nutrients from their cat food. And as always, consultation from your local veterinarian is mandatory to ensure that your lovable companion lives a long and healthy life.

posted by bestvintage1u