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Breakthrough…Looting Interrupted | Pastor Allen Jackson

World Outreach Church

➡ God has intervened, and our country has a choice to make. If we change and align our hearts more fully with Him, we’ll experience new freedom—but if we continue in our current patterns, we’re giving momentum to destruction. In this sermon, Pastor Allen Jackson discusses what breakthrough looks like on a national level. By examining the history of Israel and Judah in the books of 1 Kings, 2 Kings, and Judges, we see the impact of God’s judgment on His disobedient people: He allowed looting by their enemies and exile from their homeland. Pastor Allen argues that America is experiencing something similar, and the consequences are reflected in our nation’s cultural trends and current events. However, if we humble ourselves and repent, God’s grace is abundant.
❇ A message from Pastor Allen Jackson at World Outreach Church in Murfreesboro, TN  December 7, 2024 Breakthrough…Looting Interrupted
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0:00 Introduction
1:44 Offertory Prayer
4:55 Breakthrough…Looting Interrupted
9:53 Plundering/Looting God’s People
12:12 Frequent Occurrence (Judges 6 verses 35, 1 Kings 14 verses 2527, and 2 Kings 23 verse 35)
14:40 The Exile – From Jerusalem to Babylon (Ezekiel 40 verse 1)
19:41 1st Stage (King in Judah, Jehoiakim) (2 Kings 24 verses 1–2)
20:32 2nd Stage (King in Judah, Jehoiachin) (2 Kings 24 verses 12–14)
23:42 3rd Stage (King in Judah, Zedekiah) (2 Kings 25 verses 8–13)
27:23 Current Events — The Looting of America
44:28 Our Response (Isaiah 1 verses 18–20 and James 4 verses 410)
49:00 Outcome: God will lift you up — Verse 10
51:12 Closing Prayer

World Outreach Church is an interdenominational congregation, located near Nashville, Tennessee. World Outreach Church focuses on the beliefs that unite all Christians and is in the mainstream of the historic Christian faith. The Apostles’ Creed frames our statement of belief. Our Vision is for World Outreach Church to be a transforming place for people—across our community, throughout Middle Tennessee, and around the earth.
Learn more about World Outreach Church: https://wochurch.org/Learn more about Pastor Allen Jackson: https://allenjackson.com/
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posted by marglaga0o