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Border Collie Pros and Cons ( You Need To Know )

Dog Breeds FAQ Channel

Do you want to know the Border Collie Pros and Cons? In this video, we'll discuss the good, the bad, and the ugly of this popular breed of dog.

If you're considering getting a Border Collie, you must know all the facts! We'll discuss the Border Collie's good and bad points and the things you need to know before adopting one of these dogs.

Did you know that Border Collies are among the most intelligent dog breeds? So make sure you watch this video to find out all the important information you need to know about Border Collies!

#bordercollieprosandcons #bordercollie

0:00 Introduction
0:16 Pros
0:43 Border Collies Are Playful
1:18 Border Collies Are Intelligent
1:49 Border Collies Are Protective
2:27 Border Collies Are Healthy
2:51 Border Collies Can Be Nippy
3:28 Border Collies Can Get Territorial
4:06 Border Collies Can Be Energetic
5:22 Border Collies Are Barkers

posted by Paulittixs