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BLACK BRILLIANCE -a spoken word short film


Black minds are brilliant. From our ancestors to today, we continue to inspire and innovate, produce and protect, gain and galvanize.

This Black History Month, we honor and elevate all the ways Black Brilliance shows up to illuminate the world. We honor and elevate the mental dexterity it takes to produce the rhymes, the paintings, the inventions, and the styles that Black people have gifted to the world.

Shine on.

BLACK BRILLIANCE was written by Black Men Smile® creator, Carlton Mackey for the 3rd Marvelous Black Boy Art Show in Atlanta, GA on Feb 28, 2021 at the Westside Cultural Arts Center.
Created and curated by Josh Dingle, is aimed toward celebrating black men, the strength in our stories, and the creativity in our expression. The event features all black male artists using varying forms of media.

posted by Tabellida