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My GORGEOUS Bengal is named Babygirl she is about 7years old and I love her very much. Bengals are domestic cat bred with Asian leopard so they are hybrids. Now is you want to get one as a pet I suggest you do you full research on exactly how they are because a lot of them develop behaviour problems like mine did when she doesn’t get her way she will act up like running into doors face first waking me up at night by constantly jumping over me head meowing to go outside peeing and pooping outside of the litter box, but if you can figure out what is wrong and try to resolve the issue they are nice pets. They are very energetic and hyper and need a lot of activity and toys mine decided she wants to go outside. They are dominant and choose their human. My girl was amazing for the first 5 years but I had her with my 2 Siamese and one of them was the boss when they passed the dynamics changed so I don’t know if that had something to do with it. I let her have her way to keep her happy and she is a Diva lol so I have to always boost her ego and compliment her lol she is a total character. I love her very much but to be honest I don’t think I would ever get another hybrid they are a lot of work. She has an allergy to chicken and she does have a few health issues the vet says it was due to the way she was bred and the place she came from she gets a runny nose and needs antibiotics, she also has had to have teeth removed the vet said her body was rejecting her teeth causing infection which is due to bad breeding. Aside from all that I love her she is beautiful and she is a great cat with amazing qualities and a part of our family. Lol in my video Kingston is video bombing in the back ground lol helping out and he tries to steal treats lol my angels.