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Ben Shapiro vs Alex O'Connor • Is religion good for society?

Premier Unbelievable?

The Big Conversation is a unique video series from Unbelievable? the flagship apologetics and theology discussion show from  In this bonus episode of The Big Conversation' formidable Daily Wire host and renowned political thinker Ben Shapiro goes headtohead with Oxford graduate of philosophy and theology, now international public speaker and debater, Alex O’Connor. Hosted by Andy Kind, Shapiro and O'Connor debate Is religion good or bad for society? What is the concept of free will? Does it even exist? What about the idea of the self, and the foundations of morality in society, and do we all have to agree on them?

Ben Shapiro is a distinguished figure in the realm of political discussion, recognised for his bold opinions and remarkable debating skills. Everinnovative in thought and influential in culture, Shapiro brings a fresh and compelling perspective to this philosophical conversation.   Buy Ben Shapiro's book here

Atheist Alex O’Connor, the YouTuber formerly known as the Cosmic Sceptic, and host of the Within Reason podcast brings thoughtful philosophical rigour and insight to provoke deliberation on varying timeless faithsciencephilosophy topics. Religion’s effects in the evolution of consciousness, Nihilism’s counter to the concept of free will and, ultimately, the basis of varying worldviews serve as crucial discussion points in this thoughtprovoking exchange.   
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The Big Conversation is a video series from Premier Unbelievable? featuring worldclass thinkers across the religious and nonreligious community. Exploring science, faith, philosophy and what it means to be human. The Big Conversation is produced by Premier Unbelievable? in partnership with John Templeton Foundation.

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