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Baby squirrels' first reactions to the human behind the window

Squirrels at the window

Helpful things for squirrels:
Shed Deer Antler sticks for squirrel's teeth:
"Squirrel booster" Multivitamin for squirrels:
Foodgrade Diatomaceous Earth to keep fleas away and for many other uses:
Natural and safe medicine to eliminate and prevent worms:
White bowls for squirrels' food:
*As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

Meet the squirrels who come to my window:
   • Meet the squirrels who come to my window  

Watch informative videos about squirrels:
   • Informative videos about squirrels  

Watch squirrels' reactions to new foods and things:
   • Squirrels' reactions  

Watch funny things squirrels do at my window:
   • Funny things squirrels do at my window  

Watch squirrels coming inside my home:
   • Squirrels coming inside my home  

posted by erikamu13un