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Autumn Energy in a Small Garden | Flower Tour Picking Apples Watching Butterflies u0026 Making Plans

Apple Pea Fern Sea

Welcome * We have passed the autumn equinox and as golden days become shorter and nights longer, our small garden in Kent, South East England still vibrates with colour, life and energy. Nectarrich flowers such as cosmos bipinnatus ‘Double Click Cranberries’ and buddleja are enticing foraging butterflies to the space, including Gatekeeper, Red Admiral and Painted Lady butterflies. We visit the ‘Norfolk Royal’ apple orchard at Castle Farm in Kent’s beautiful Darent Valley and appreciate the wildlife benefits and airy beauty of Verbena bonariensis. Thank you for joining us in the garden as the season progresses.


0:00 Introduction
0:31 Autumn Evening Walk
1:19 Butterflies in the garden
2:38 Cosmos bipinnatus ‘Double Click Cranberries’
5:58 Salvia & Hummingbird HawkMoth
7:15 Hydrangea ‘Magical Revolution’
8:37 Frog came calling
9:05 ‘Norfolk Royal’ apples at Castle Farm
11:47 Verbena bonariensis & ‘Lollipop’
14:32 Autumn thoughts and feelings


Pine Beauty Moth (original imaged modified)
Credit: Olei, CC BYSA 2.5, via Wikimedia Commons

Unsplash Images, with thanks to contributors:
Green and brown parcels by Kostiantyn Li
Bouquet by Niklas Ohlrogge
Apple blossom buds by Correen Q
Pink blossom by Bruce Williamson
Hoverfly on blossom by Akhil Abhilash
Red Admiral butterfly on Verbena bonariensis by Anthony Roberts
Bee on Verbena bonariensis by Joran Quinten
Verbena bonariensis close up by Dear Sunflower

posted by Teexaccowqh