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ARTHUR NERY 5 Song Playlist | Your 5ong Your Mu5ic

Your Song Your Music

1. Take All The Love
2. Isa Lang
3. Pagsamo
4. Higa
5. Binhi

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No Copyright Infringement intended in this video
I do not own any of these music
The credit goes to the respective owners.
Thank you, ARTHUR NERY, for your incredible songs!

Don't forget to also subscribe to ‪@vivarecordsofficial‬ for more Arthur Nery music.
Also visit the official music video of the songs!

Take All The Love    • TAKE ALL THE LOVE  Arthur Nery [Offi...  
Isa Lang    • Isa lang  Arthur Nery (Official Lyri...  
Pagsamo    • Pagsamo  Arthur Nery (Official Lyric...  
Higa    • Higa  Arthur Nery [Official Music Vi...  
Binhi    • Arthur Nery  Binhi (Official Lyric V...  

posted by wtykowatyl5