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Sociological Dictionary

Anomie there are two usages of this term
1. a societal condition in which there is too little social regulation (meaning there are poorly defined or enforced social norms, uncertain social values, inconsistent and uncertain rewards; life is generally unpredictable; condition that is often associated with dramatic social change such as economic distress, political turmoil, or war; this first usage is how Durkheim introduced the term: anomie = too little social regulation)
2. a personal condition or state of being that results from too little social regulation in society (a feeling of hopelessness, aimlessness, and despair; a general sense that "nothing matters," or "nothing matters")
Also anomie is described by Emile Durkheim as a characteristic condition of modern social arrangements, a symptom of modernity, if you will; one of Durkheim's most famous works demonstrates the relationship between societal conditions and suicide caused by anomie (anomic suicide)

posted by hodique8b