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An Interview with Tennessee RN RaDonda Vaught

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On this episode of ‘Inside Medical Malpractice’, an interview like you’ve never heard before. Listen in as Chris Rokosh talks to former Registered Nurse RaDonda Vaught. On March 25, 2022, a jury found RaDonda guilty of criminally negligent homicide for her part in a fatal medication error at Vanderbilt University Medical Center in Nashville, Tennessee. Criminal prosecution of a nurse is rare, but it happened. And, when things go wrong, it’s easier to talk about a bad nurse than to examine a flawed system. RaDonda will tell us a story which, she says, is so much bigger than herself. She reminds us that she only has a story because someone lost their life. Part one of this podcast starts on the fateful day RaDonda accidentally administered a paralyzing drug and ends with the touching story of how she met Mrs. Murphey’s grandson in the Tractor Supply Store. This interview is open. And honest. And real. Don’t miss it.

posted by encaladav4