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An Alien World Within a Jar │String Algae Ecosphere - 5 Month Update


Within this video we take a look at the String Algae ecosphere I made 5 months ago. The string algae is still the main producer of oxygen within this ecosphere. Duckweed also grows on the water's surface.

This ecosphere hasn't changed much structurally, however the dead leaves are decomposing and being slowly eaten. It appears the excess of food provided by both the dead leaves and string algae has caused certain species to breed prolifically. String algae has also completely covered a single wall of the ecosphere.

Species such as the Dwarf Amphipods and Worms are extremely common throughout this ecosphere. The bladder snails are also common, however not at the same scale. The water hoglouse and clams are much more rare. I was very surprised to see clams here and had no idea they were present within the pond I sourced this ecosphere.

To my surprise both the daphnia and copepod populations have vanished. I am uncertain whether or not they'll return, however it's always a possibility.

This ecosphere has the highest concentration of organisms I've seen in any ecosphere so far. The sheer amount of biomass is astounding. It will be interesting to see how populations fluctuate once the dead leaf food source is exhausted.

posted by ikerx4