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American Bobtail Cat Breed | American Bobtail Information and Temperament and More

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American Bobtail appeared at the first time in late 1960. This cat is considered as the new breed. This cat can be recognized easily from the stubby tail where it is just a third or even a half of the length of the tails of normal cat. And the result of the body type of this cat is because of generic mutation. This cat has normal weight from 12 – 16 pounds for male and for female; it is about 7 – 11 pounds. Just look at the picture of this cat, you may have been able to recognize it.
The origin of this cat is from United States. It has so many various colors. American Bobtail has medium to large body size. For the type of the coat, it has long hair and short hair. For the short hair, you need to groom it weekly and for the long hair it is good for grooming twice in a week. This cat has average level for the talkativeness. For the activity, this cat has high level. Overall, American bobtail pet is moderately obedient. And for the general temperament, they are playful, intelligent, kind and devoted.
For more detail physical characters, American Bobtail has sturdy medium size. It has broad and full chest. You can also look at the noticeable rectangular stance from the hind legs that are longer compared with the front legs. You will see the paws of the cat are large and also round. The cat head is wedge shaped and broad. You will see the eyes in almond shape. And it needs 3 years to get fully matured. You need to be more patient then.
Before you buy American bobtail kittens for sale, you need to know the temperament of this cat. You will find this American Bobtail is a great sociable friend or companion. This cat is friendly, energetic, and extremely intelligent. You can easily train this cat. It is even said that this cat has the same tendencies with dog. Therefore, it is great to play with children. Surely, it can adapt to the new environment easily. But you need to know that the breed is in the development so the temperament can be various.
Just like has been said before, this American Bobtail has short and long hair. You need to groom it once a week for short and twice a week for long hair. And for the longer hair, it can be more often. You can read more tips for caring the health of the fur as well as for the common health problem. Make sure this cat has enough exercise to keep it healthy.

posted by happybodydh