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Amazing French baker! His Japanese bakery! From 2am until the bakery opens


He has made his dream come true in Japan! This amazing French baker has opened a bakery in Japan. Please take a look at his work from 2 am to the opening of the bakery.

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Store information

Store name: Boulangerie Galopain
Address: 192 Shichiku Shimohoncho, Horikawashita, Kitayamaku, Kitaku, Kyoto
Phone: 0756009504
Business hours: 8: 0017: 30
Regular holidays: Sundays and Mondays (irregular holidays)

  / galopainkyoto  



0:00 Opening
0:21 Bread making
51:32 Bakery business start
57:41 Actual bread meal
58:12 Ending

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posted by Kosellekm7