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Danny and Genette Fuller, located in San Diego, CA. In the early 1990's we lost our much loved Bloodhound Ruby. Looking for another dog to fill the emptiness after Ruby's loss, our very young son indicated that he wanted to become involved in junior showmanship. More specifically, he wanted a giant dog. So began our quest. We researched quite a few breeds and visited with many different breeders. One weekend we happened upon a rare breed dog show that was being held in a small park close to our home. A large group of Leonbergers was sitting close to one of the rings. The owners were just as friendly and outgoing as their strikingly beautiful dogs. Danny got down on his hands and knees to get a closer look into the face of a very young dog named Kai. Kai playfully bopped Danny on top of the head with his giant paw. We were smitten. Two months later we brought home Dave, our first Leonberger.
Genette Fuller
Cu Leone Leonbergers