Dr Scott Miller meets the cutest donkeys at The Wonkey Donkey Visitors Centre, a rescue centre which rehabilitates ill and mistreated donkeys run by Jenny and her family. Jenny has overcome huge challenges, and has benefited herself from having donkeys in her life so at the age of 17 she founded this incredible centre.
To find out more about the amazing work that Wonkey Donkey Visitors Centre do, check out their website https://www.wonkeydonkey.co.uk
To help other rescue animals in your area, contact your local animal rescue, and ask how you can do your bit to protect and care for our rescue animals.
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Music licensed from Lickd. The biggest mainstream and stock music platform for content creators
Stay Right Here 2 by Andy Huckvale, https://t.lickd.co/4ygvBD84gR7 License ID: AlbW3DNobd1
Sugar Spun by Adam Drake, Tom Jenkins, https://t.lickd.co/36vOO6jyAvn License ID: 7ZxDlm0rxMz
Day To Day 2 by David Kelly, https://t.lickd.co/5pM2v16PM7A License ID: xyQbJyJKQXJ
Days Of Wonder by Adam Drake, Tom Jenkins, https://t.lickd.co/rB5D74Ya2DQ License ID: Q5eVMJp82Yw
Positive by Chris Bussey, Craig Bussey, Michael Edward Mclafferty, https://t.lickd.co/Y6PqryZYMN2 License ID: VEeZ9Z1101q
Optimistic by Patrick Hawes, https://t.lickd.co/0VO4qd4l9Kz License ID: 0vW0Z9g56qZ
Into The Clear by Adam Drake, https://t.lickd.co/BENGeyZWor3 License ID: lRO71X1j5b2
Sketchbook by Adam Drake, https://t.lickd.co/W1k1Ab1N4kN License ID: N6xGOkXzxMb
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