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Access the Akashic Records to View Possible Futures Guided Meditation

Unlock Your Life

This is the next step in my akashic records series of meditations. If you haven't yet, I recommend you complete my earlier akashic records meditations (links below). In this journey to the akashic records, you will be able to set in motion different choices, decisions, actions (or inaction, even), and experience the consequences at different points in time in the future: 1 hour, 1 day, 1 month, 1 year, 3 years...from now.

More on this:
As you know, the akashic records are not a material place and do not exist in any one moment in timespace. They contain the record of every action, every life that ever lived or will live, every thought, and even every intention. So we begin this meditation by setting your intention.

Do not skip the intro because it is essential that you prepare to receive the information by releasing ego, conscious effort, and raising your vibration. The information you have is the information that matches your vibration.

I then augment your higher vibrational state as you receive the sun and moon's energy, activate your chakras and move awareness into your energy body. You may even experience an OBE at this stage.

You may be aware of your energy body detaching and travelling to the Hall of the Akashic Records. Once you arrive, you are guided to your books, and you reach for your Book of Futures. You open it and a portal appears, through which you not only see but experience one possible future. You then have time to set in motion different choices, decisions, and intentions, and see up to 3 possible futures in each session.

This ends with remerging with 3D level of existence, and shifting awareness to your physical level of existence (there is no “travel” in the 3D sense in order to access the akashic records so the return does not take much time)

Remember to keep a journal by your bed or meditation space in order to journal the 3 possible futures you explore in this deep and powerful meditation session.

I recommend listening to my other akashic records meditations in the order presented below:
Access the Akashic Records to Learn Your Soul Name and Purpose Hypnosis    • Access the Akashic Records to Learn Y...  
Access the Akashic Records, Heal, Release Karma, and Receive Messages    • Access the Akashic Records, Heal, Rel...  
Access the Akashic Records to Remove Blocks from the Path to Your Soul Purpose and Higher Self    • Access the Akashic Records to Remove ...  

Time Stamps:
00:00 Intro
01:30 How to receive information from the records
02:40 Start of meditation; set your intention
05:40 Release process to prepare to access the akashic records
11:50 Raise your vibration to access akashic records
17:55 Release lower emotions (judgement, fear, doubt, desire, lack, anxiety) and build trust
20:00 Activate the energy body
25:50 Amplify and detach the energy body (you may experience astral projection)
32:40 Arrival at the Hall of the Akashic Records (bookshelves, books)
40:00 Access the Book of Futures
51:45 Possible Future no. 2 (different choices, decisions, actions)
55:45 Possible Future no. 3 (different choices, decisions, actions)

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Learn more about me, how hypnotherapy helped me overcome more than a decade of insomnia in just a few sessions, the neuroscience behind hypnotherapy, and my passion for lowcost and nocost support for all.

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