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A Secret Project I Made From Scrap Wood


No more waiting because the secret project is finally here! https://www.gethandsdirty.com/shop?st...'>https://www.gethandsdirty.com/shop?st...
Socks and Pins https://www.gethandsdirty.com/shop
Many thanks to Rockler for supporting this project!
Support my work on Patreon   / gethandsdirty  

Rockler Tools:
Router Lift https://www.rockler.com/rocklerprol...
Router Fence https://www.rockler.com/rocklerroute...
Precision Miter Gauge + Fence https://www.rockler.com/rocklerpreci...
Aluminium Bar Clamps https://www.rockler.com/surefootalum...
CrossCut Sled https://www.rockler.com/tablesawcros...
Double Edge Scraper https://www.rockler.com/rocklerdoubl...

Other materials/tools used in this project:
Glue Scrapper https://amzn.to/3QQ6m4j

CNC Machine https://www.avidcnc.com/pro48244x2...
CNC Software https://www.vectric.com/products/vcar...

Disclosure: This video might include affiliate links meaning I get a small commission at NO extra cost to you. It's an excellent way to support my work too! :)

Filming gear https://kit.co/GetHandsDirty/filming...
Instagram   / gethandsdirty  
Facebook   / gethandsdirty  
Twitter   / gethandsdirty  
Soundcloud   / gethandsdirty  

Here's my PO Box:

Cristiana Felgueiras
Apartado 43
Batalha Porto
4031 401 Porto

posted by aghloitgm