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A Husband Was Found With Another Woman. This Is What Was Done To His Organs.


In order of appearance: RB by Wolfgang Nelson, Neighbor by Tristyn Smith, Woman by Star M, Zoe by Dawn Bradley, PA Tristyn Smith
Reviewer: Dr Katherine Johns

Indepth channel: ‪@HemeReview‬
Secret channel: ‪@BigEmus‬

Music inspired by R. Prince. Arranged and performed by Chubbyemu
Other Music by ‪@Lifeformed‬ ►

CT Head Case courtesy of Mohd Radhwan Bin Abidin,, rID: 156961

0:00 RB is a 42 year old man ☝ presenting to the emergency room
0:18 A history ⏰ of the history
1:05 A wild thief appears
1:22 "I'll take care of u bebe"
1:50 The only real way to butter your bread
2:18 Where we are now
3:37 "Not life threatening..." but is it really?
4:11 This rapid pace becomes concerning
5:48 Something is very heavy
6:44 A solid foundation of understanding nature (as seen on Earth)
9:01 An imposter appears and the body cant discern the difference
10:15 The mitochondria is no longer the powerhouse of the cell
11:39 A connection to ancient esoteric knowledge
12:44 Can iron and cyanide be involved in the help?
13:54 Speaking of "lifethreatening" and "energy" and "nerves," it brings us here now
14:27 An incorrect assumption
15:24 Enclosed herein is a case preserved into the written record

These cases are patients who I, or my colleagues have seen. They are deidentified and many instances have been presented in more depth in an academic setting. These videos are not individual medical advice and are for general educational purposes only. I do not give medical advice over the internet.

References, starting with the case this video is based off of:

Cerebrospinal fluid analysis in fatal thallium poisoning: evidence for delayed distribution into the central nervous system.

Acute thallium poisoning: series of ten cases.

Case Files of the Medical Toxicology Fellowship at the Oregon Poison Center: Thallotoxicosis.

Thallium toxicity and the role of Prussian blue in therapy.

Kinetic analysis of enzyme reactions. II. The potassium activation and calcium inhibition of pyruvic phosphoferase.

Pyruvate kinase revisited: the activating effect of K+.

Revised effective ionic radii and systematic studies of interatomic distances in halides and chalcogenides.

Francis Bacon Experiments touching Sulphur and Mercury

Structures of pyruvate kinases display evolutionarily divergent allosteric strategies.

Sulfur mediated heavy metal biogeochemical cycles in coastal wetlands: From sediments, rhizosphere to vegetation.

posted by jessjazzyo2