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A Childhood Under Occupation | Growing up in Gaza

Tieran Freedman

Basem grew up in the Gaza Strip and left in 1999, a year before the second intifada. In this interview with a Gazan Palestinian, Basem shares memories from his childhood in one of the most conflictridden regions in the world, under the Israeli occupation and through the first intifada. Today, he lives in London, while much of his family remains in Gaza, under constant threat from Israeli strikes. Israel’s invasion of the Gaza Strip has been condemned as a form of collective punishment of Gazan Palestinians for the October 2023 attack that killed 1,200 people in Israel. Months after the IsraelGaza war began, the scale of the humanitarian crisis in Gaza led the ICJ to rule that the population of Gaza is at imminent risk of genocide.

00:0001:00 The IsraelGaza War: Introduction
01:0101:52 Cycling along the IsraelGaza Border
01:5203:13 Basem’s Childhood in the Gaza Strip
03:1403:39 The Nakba & First ArabIsraeli War
03:4008:28 The First Intifada (Stone Intifada)
08:2909:13 The Oslo Accords
09:1410:46 Attacks Strain the Oslo Accords
10:4712:44 The Second Intifada (AlAqsa Intifada)
12:4514:34 Palestinians Treated as SecondClass Citizens
14:3515:17 Psychological Impact from the Israeli Occupation
15:1818:43 Basem’s Family in the Gaza Strip
18:4421:59 A TwoState Solution with 1967 Borders?
22:0024:12 Legitimate Resistance vs. Terrorism in the IsraelPalestine Conflict
24:1325:36 Ceasefire in Gaza What can People do to Help?

#gaza #israelioccupation #palestine #palestinians #gazacity

posted by pabloreyespc