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99% of Aussie Shepherd Owners Don't Know This

Dogs Wiz

Did you know that Australian Shepherds aren't actually from Australia? But how did they end up with that name?

The Australian Shepherd, renowned for its intelligence and agility, captures hearts with its vibrant personality and distinctive appearance. These mediumsized dogs boast a wellbalanced build and a lush double coat, often featuring captivating merle patterns and a range of eye colors. Originating from the Western United States, contrary to their name, Australian Shepherds are not from Australia but have become cherished for their herding prowess and versatility.

Whether you're drawn to their striking appearance, their agility in various pursuits, or their unwavering loyalty, these 47 facts are sure to deepen your admiration for this exceptional breed.


0:00 Intro
0:04 Fact 1 5
1:34 Fact 6 10
2:54 Fact 11 15
4:25 Fact 16 20
5:57 Fact 21 25
7:16 Fact 26 30
8:39 Fact 31 35
9:57 Fact 36 40
10:57 Fact 41 45
12:07 Fact 46 47
12:31 Outro

posted by heimtar1t