I bought a box of Commodore books. After having a look at the unusual postage (my dad's a philatelist, eh?) we take a look through the box contents, and then focus on two books in particular. They're the Tool Kit series by Dan Heeb, which are very indepth looks through the BASIC and KERNAL ROMs, with a focus on making use of these routines in our own machine language programs for both the Commodore 64 and VIC20. This video was originally the Patreon exclusive for May 2021.
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COMPUTE!'s VIC20 and Commodore 64 Tool Kit: BASIC:
COMPUTE!'s VIC20 and Commodore 64 Tool Kit: Kernel:
End credits music is "The Second Coming" from the album "The Agony and the Ecstasy of Steve Jobs: A Soundtrack" by Bedford Level Experiment:
0:00 Stamp time!
2:00 What's inside the box?
6:10 Tool Kit: BASIC
9:56 Table of Contents & Preface
18:20 Part One
21:44 Part Two: Detailed Descriptions
25:10 Appendices
26:55 Tool Kit: Kernal
29:21 Table of Contents, Foreword, Preface
32:51 Chapter 14: Interrupts & System Reset
36:26 Chapter 57: Kernal, Misc., Screen Routines
41:10 Chapter 810: Serial, RS232, Tape I/O Routines
45:58 Appendices, Index
47:32 Summary & Thanks!