Cats have a unique way of capturing our hearts and nurturing instincts, making it easy for us to see them as more than just pets. From their adorable features to the close bonds we share, here’s a look at why our cats will always be our little "babies" in our eyes:
1. Cats Have BabyLike Features
Many cats possess what’s called "neotenous" or babylike characteristics, which include a big head, round face, large eyes, and a small nose and mouth. These features tap into what’s known as the "baby schema," making cats irresistibly adorable. Research shows that people find kittens and puppies just as cute as human infants.
2. Their Meows Are Like Baby Cries
The meow of a domestic cat is unique and has developed as a way to communicate with humans. While kittens meow to their mothers, adult wild cats rarely meow at all. Domestic cats, however, often meow at humans, using shorter, higherpitched, and softer sounds than their wild counterparts. These meows are similar to a baby’s cry, which likely influences how we respond to them.
3. Cats Love Baby Talk
It’s not uncommon for people to talk to their cats in baby talk, also known as “petdirected speech.” Studies suggest this highpitched, affectionate tone captures the attention of many animals, including cats, who are known to pick up on human cues quite well.
4. Kneading: The Ultimate Throwback
Cats engage in a behavior called "kneading," or “making biscuits,” where they rhythmically press their paws on soft surfaces. This motion dates back to kittenhood when they nursed from their mothers. When a cat kneads on a person, it’s a sign of bonding, a bit like reliving their early kitten days with their caregiver.
5. They Trigger Our Baby Schema Response
The cute look and sounds of a cat activate what’s known as the "baby schema response." This is an instinctive reaction that makes us want to protect, care for, and even be extra gentle with creatures (and sometimes objects) that look cute. Research shows that people are more careful and attentive when exposed to images of very cute kittens, strengthening our attachment to our cats.
6. Cats and Their Humans Form Strong Bonds
Many cats form close attachments to their humans, using them as a secure base, much like a child with a parent. Studies show that humans, too, feel strong bonds with their cats. Those drawn to babylike features often report a deeper attachment to their pets, possibly due to a strong baby schema response.
7. Anthropomorphizing Deepens the Bond
People often assign human characteristics to their cats, a tendency known as anthropomorphizing. Cat owners might celebrate their cat’s birthday, dress them in clothes, or imagine them experiencing humanlike emotions. This tendency, which can be stronger among those seeking social connection, brings our bond with cats closer to a parentchild relationship.
8. The Primacy Effect Keeps Them “Our Babies” Forever
Just as parents sometimes have trouble accepting their grown children as adults, cat owners who had their cats as kittens might forever see them as the playful, curious, and sometimes needy babies they once were. This is due to the primacy effect, where early impressions stick with us more strongly than later ones. So, no matter how independent they become, cats often stay "our babies" forever.