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7 Visual Riddles to Test Your Brain Speed


Only a true genius can solve these 7 visual riddles in less than a minute. Can you remember cracking your brain with kids’ riddles in your youth? We’d like to warn you that they are actually not that simple — you can easily get stuck when trying to solve each of them even if you’re all grown up.

What color is the circle in the center 0:16
Which inner rectangle is larger? 0:58
Are the surfaces of these tables the same size or different? 1:46
Are her eyes the same color or different? 2:28
What is larger: the height or width of the hat? 3:15
Which tower is tilted more? 3:59
Which one is lighter? 4:35
Which thread leads to the banana? 5:13
How many colors are in the picture? 6:06
Are the two cylinders the same height? 6:48

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posted by Kramekgg