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7 Unbelievable Moments Caught on Camera


In the times we live in, everyone now has their own highspeed computers and HD cameras in their pocket. This has changed our world in some pretty unforeseen ways one of which is that now everyone can become a documentary filmmaker or a news crew, if they get out their phone at the right place, at the right time. Today we will explore some examples of perfectly timed footage that put the viewer right into the action. This video features 7 Unbelievable Moments that were caught on camera.

Stories in order:

7. Demolition Dodgers
6. Inside a Tornado
5. Handcuffed Car Heist
4. Train Tunnel Escape
3. Trouble in Paradise
2. Unintentional Taser Takedown
1. BearLy Escaping

Thanks for watching! Please comment below with your thoughts and reactions on this video. If you’d like to see a specific caught on camera topic covered in this series, feel free to send you suggestions below or to our email address: [email protected]

posted by gontinwwmid