#shihtzugroominghead #shihtzupuppy #shitzu
Korean Grooming Techniques!
Total transformation of a shihtzu with grooming, cuteness guaranteed!
Hi! I'm Aurora, a 5 months shih tzu puppy!! Today was my first grooming with scissor at Tosa Bebe Pet Center. What did you think? Did I get cuter still?? kisses✂✂✂
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Tosa Bebe Pet Center
Music provided by 브금대통령
Track : 귀염뽀짝 • [Royalty Free Music] 귀염뽀짝/Cute (sweet...
Music provided by 브금대통령
Track : 둘레길 산책 • [브금대통령](아침/명상/Relaxing) 둘레길 산책/A Morn...
Music provided by 브금대통령
Track : Medium Lucky • [Royalty Free Music] Medium Lucky (MR...