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5 Of The Largest Saltwater Fish In The World


In this video I will be going through 5 of the largest saltwater fish in the world. There are many giant saltwater fish in the worlds oceans but what fish is the biggest saltwater fish in the world? This is actually a very hard question to answer as monster fish come in many different shapes and sizes and two fish from the same species can vary in size drastically from one another. Some of the largest saltwater fish are sharks i will will be going through some of the biggest shark species in this video.

So in this video I will be going through 5 big saltwater fish that are thought to be the largest saltwater fish in the world. I will be including the whale shark, the basking shark, the greenland shark, the ocean sunfish and the giant oarfish in this episode.

Image and footage attributions:
whale shark images
Charles Barilleaux
Tim Buss

Basking shark images
Green Fire Productions
National Marine Sanctuaries
Antony Stanley

Basking shark footage:
Brian Gratwicke
NOAA Sanctuaries
   / @sanctuaries  
   / @clearwaterpaddling  

Greenland shark images:
NOAA Photo Library

Greenland shark footage:
Gonzalo Mucientes
   / @gonzalomucientes  

Ocean sunfish images:
Dan Hershman
Craig Bonsignore
Sandip Bhattacharya
Ryan Mandelbaum
NOAA Photo Library
Enrico Strocchi
Juan A.

Ocean sunfish footage:
Roser Gari Perez
   / @balidivetours  

Oarfish images:
Patrick Emerson
Tim Evanson

Oarfish footage
UnCruise Adventures
   / @uncruise  

For our first big fish we will be heading off to the tropical oceans as we have the whale shark. The whale shark is the undisputed largest fish in the world and despite it's name it isn't actually related to whales in any way but gets its name from its size and the way it likes to feed. this giant ocean fish dwarfs all other fish in the ocean.

For our next big fish we will be heading to slightly coldwater ocean waters as we have the basking shark. The basking shark is the second largest fish in the world and lives a very similar life to the whale shark. It is completely harmless and spends most of it's time near the surface of the water feeding on plankton.

For our next giant saltwater fish we will be heading to even colder ocean waters as we have the Greenland shark. This shark is one of the creepiest sharks in the ocean. The Greenland shark has a very zombielike appearance and spends most of it's time in the dark depths of the ocean. This shark species is one of the oldest living creatures in the ocean as they are thought to live for over 200 years.

For our next large fish species we will be heading over to all tropical and temperate oceans as we have the ocean sunfish also known as the mola mola. This giant fish is another strange fish that doesn't really make sense. It mostly feeds on jellyfish and has one of the smallest body to brain ratios of any ocean creature.

For our last giant saltwater fish we will be heading over to the depths of the tropical oceans as we have the giant oarfish. The giant oarfish is thought to be the inspiration behind myths and legends of giant sea serpents. Oar fish are normally found in the deep seas but sometimes they wash up on beaches. In some countries they are known as the earthquake fish as they are said to wash up on beaches before earthquakes hit.

What was your favourite giant saltwater fish on this list?
let me know in the comments below?
If you have any other suggestions for fish to feature in these videos they let me know in the comments below?

Thanks for watching I hope you enjoyed :)

posted by ferieleirvu