40 Gallon Planted Community Tank Setup And Progress!
Welcome to my 40gallon aquarium setup video! This tank has been running for 147 days, and I'm excited to share its progress with you.
*Substrate and Hardscape:*
About five months ago, I added Fluval Stratum as the substrate and experimented with various spider wood placements to achieve a design I liked. I glued the spider wood to lava rock for stability, although the light nature of the lava rock caused some initial floating before it settled in place.
*Filtration and Cycling:*
To prepare the tank, I purchased a Fluval FX2 filter during a sale, initially planning to use it for a larger tank setup next year. I decided to use it on this 40gallon tank for cycling. I conducted a fishless and plantless cycle for about a month using Dr. Tims Ammonia Solution, allowing beneficial bacteria to establish without the help of plants. My water parameter tests showed that the tank could process 2 ppm ammonia to 0 ppm ammonia and 0 ppm nitrite within 24 hours, signaling it was ready for planting.
*Cleaning and Planting:*
I cleaned the tank glass with cheap kitchen scourer pads and used a siphon to remove as much brown diatom algae as possible. I then began planting with an Echinodorus 'Reni' due to its attractive color and compact size. I added Echinodorus Cordifolius 'Fluitans' and Echinodorus Aquartica, although some of these plants struggled initially. I also included Java Fern, Anubias, and Bucephalandra for added variety. To create a carpet effect, I planted Helanthium Tenellum Green, which was a challenging process due to the large surface area.
Once the plants were established, I introduced shrimp to the tank, starting with orange Neocaridina and Amano shrimp. The Amano shrimp quickly got to work on the substrate algae. I also added a horned nerite snail from my 29gallon tank to help with algae control. For fish, I chose three Pearl Gouramis (one male, two female), 15 Harlequin Rasboras, and 15 Cardinal Tetras. The fish acclimated well, although I experienced some losses in the first week.
*Challenges and Adjustments:*
Managing algae was a significant challenge. Black beard and staghorn algae appeared on various surfaces, which I initially tried to control manually. Testing revealed high phosphate levels, so I performed large partial water changes and added a Siamese algae eater, which eventually helped manage the algae. Additionally, I added a lotus lily to enhance the tank's aesthetics.
*Breeding and Behavior:*
The orange Neocaridina shrimp struggled, with only a few surviving. However, the Pearl Gouramis successfully bred, leading to an overpopulation issue. I resolved this by rehoming the Pearl Gouramis with a friend. My Corydoras and Harlequin Rasboras have been spawning actively, adding more life to the tank.
*Lighting and Maintenance:*
I'm currently running the tank with a Hygger 957 and a Nicrew C10 light, maintaining a photoperiod of eight hours. The filter has done an excellent job keeping the ammonia and nitrite levels in check. I also use a gravel vac attachment for water changes to remove detritus and fish waste, which the Corydoras enjoy feeding on.
*Current Status:*
The tank is thriving with its current setup. I'm considering moving my Chili Rasboras here temporarily while I rescape my 12gallon tank. I'll continue adding rejected shrimp from my breeding tanks, but otherwise, I'm content with the current stock and plant growth. The fish have settled in well, with the Siamese algae eater growing rapidly and remaining active and nonaggressive.
Thank you for watching! If you have any questions or suggestions, feel free to leave them in the comments. Enjoy the video and happy fishkeeping!
00:00 Intro
00:10 Tank Setup
02:03 Planting The Tank
06:13 Adding Shrimp
08:35 Adding Fish
11:00 Shrimp Hiding
11:37 Switching Plants
12:07 Black Beared Algae Growth
14:12 Fish Breeding
15:33 The Tank Today
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