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4 Core Training MISTAKES After A Spinal Fusion Surgery - DON'T MAKE THESE MISTAKES

Fitness 4 Back Pain

►► [FREE DOWNLOAD] 10 Rules For Exercising After A Spinal Fusion

Today I want to talk about 4 core training mistakes you're making after spinal fusion surgery. These are probably the most common core training mistakes a postfusion individual could make and to be honest they are really easy to fix and never done again.

Unfortunately, there isn't a lot of guidance for postspinal fusion warriors when it comes to core training or safe exercises.

After a spinal fusion, you want to get back to exercise but you want to be smart. You shouldn't just do any ol' exercise nor should you listen to someone who has no idea what you have been through or what you are currently going through now.

posted by PenPranyscerszm