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Amanda Honigfort

The world’s turned upside down.... I miss the St. Louis I profile over at Spotlight On St. Louis and enjoying our fine city. How 'bout you?

I'm looking for, and writing about, all the ways to help (you can find those on the Spotlight site, please let me know any we’re missing), but man, it’s hard to see the region and people struggling like this. Without the ability to go out I haven’t had the same motivation to post for Spotlight On St. Louis, but there are also so many encouraging things.

#314together clothing, so many restaurants and breweries like 4 Hands Company and Hamilton Hospitality brewing up hand sanitizer and delivering it to first responders, the empty streets of people taking this seriously and staying home, curbsideSTL and takeout lists from the likes of Sauce and St. Louis Magazine, restaurants like Grace Meat + Three who are already hurting looking at what else they can do to help, people donating anything they have at home that can help... with things like this, heart like this, we will come out the other side and rebuild.

Love you, STL ⚜❤

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posted by mangisclaj6