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26 Signs Your Dog Might Be Dying | Molly Jacobson

Dog Cancer Answers

How do I know if my dog's dying? There are 26 signs you can look for.

Molly Jacobson discusses how to recognize the signs that your beloved dog might be in the last months, weeks, or days of their life.

Articles about the end of life:

Signs Often Seen Starting in the Last Months of Life:
1. Weight Loss, see    • What Is Cachexia and What to Do  
2. Loss of Appetite, see    • How to Get a Dog to Eat That Refuses ...  A, and:
3. Dehydration is often caused by diarrhea, urinary incontinence, and vomiting, see below.
4. Diarrhea, see: and:    • Dog Has Bloody Poop: Should I Call My...  
5. Urinary Incontinence, see:    • Providing the Best Care for Senior Do...   and:
6. Vomiting, see: and:    • Dog Vomiting: Should I Call My Vet? |...  
7. Dimmed or Dull Eyes see Urinary Incontinence
8. Looking Unkempt see Urinary Incontinence

Signs Often Seen in the Last Weeks of a Dog’s Life:
9. Pain, see: and:    • Medicine for Dogs in Pain | Dr. Demia...  
10. Restlessness see videos and articles under pain
11. Behavioral Changes, see:    • Emotional Experience of Pain in Dogs ...   and articles under pain
12. Changes in Sleep Patterns, see:    • How To Know the End Is Near  
13. Breathing Problems, see:    • Dog Euthanasia, Hospice, and Lap of L...  
14. Confusion see articles on lethargy and depression
15. Depression, see:    • Emotional Experience of Pain in Dogs ...   and:    • End of Life for Dogs  How to Know Wh...  
16. Wanting to Be Outside, see:    • Signs a Dog is Dying: A Vet Reveals W...  

Signs Often Seen in the Last Days:
17. Lethargy, see:    • How to Cope and Prepare for Your Dog’...   and:
18. Lack of Interest see articles on lethargy and depression, wanting to be outside.
19. Lack of Coordination see articles on lethargy and depression.
20. Twitching see articles on lethargy and depression.
21. Weakness see articles on lethargy and depression.
22. Inability to Control Bowel Movements, see: and urinary incontinence and diarrhea above.
23. No Eating or Drinking: See the article on the loss of appetite above.
24. Seizures: see article on brain tumors:
25. A Puffy Appearance, see:    • Dog Cancer Tip: Dog Euthanasia or Nat...  
26. Body Odor, see:    • Dog Euthanasia, Hospice, and Lap of L...  
Remember: none of these signs mean your dog is dying ... ask your veterinarian for help with your dog’s medical issues ASAP.

00:00 Introduction
01:30 Stages of Dying
02:00 13 Months
02:25 Weight Loss
02:45 Loss of Appetite
03:29 Dehydration
04:00 Diarrhea
04:30 Urinary Incontinence
04:45 Vomiting
05:17 Dimmed or Dull Eyes
05:36 Looking Unkempt
06:32 13 Weeks
07:01 Pain
07:31 Restlessness
07:54 Behavioral Changes
08:12 Changes in Sleep Patterns
08:13 Breathing Problems
08:41 Confusion
09:00 Depression
09:27 Wanting to Be Outside
10:17 Last Days
10:45 Lethargy
11:15 Lack of Interest
11:30 Lack of Coordination
12:00 Twitching
12:10 Weakness
12:30 Inability to Control Bowel Movements
13:00 No Eating or Drinking
13:45 Seizures
14:15 Puffy Appearance
14:45 Body Odor
14:48 Each dog and death is unique
15:34 Outro
16:08 Medical Disclaimer

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