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24 HOURS HANDCUFFED to my “BOYFRIEND' | Piper Rockelle

Piper Rockelle

Shalom guys!!! What would you do if you woke up handcuffed to your friend! And worse yet your friend is a boy! Now I have to do this crazy 24 hour challenge! Hayden and Hunter totally pranked me and I woke up handcuffed to my friend Hayden. It was quite a struggle and we fought a lot! My makeup was a mess, I couldn’t enjoy my burger and dancing was out of the question! Watch until the end to see if we were able to make the best of the situation.

   / @hunterhill  

  / itshunterhill  

Hayden’s Page:
   / @haydenhaasvlogs  

  / haydenhaasofficial  

#24hour #24hourchallenge #challenge

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posted by sabiramav