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20 Simple Ways Artists Can Make Money TODAY

Creative Hive

Are you looking for more ways to make money with your art online aside from the traditional route of making things and selling them?

In this video, I’ll share with you 20 easy ways to monetize your skills and talents as an artist and how you can turn it into a sustainable source of income for yourself.

Here's what you'll learn in this video:
• Diversify your income streams and never have slow months
• How to build a loyal community and increase your earning potential
• Explore teaching opportunities to monetize your expertise and knowledge
• Combine traditional methods with digital strategies in making money with your art

Your artistic passions have the power to transform your life. Making money with your art online has never been easier.

Let's turn your dreams into reality together. Watch this video!


Links mentioned:
Art by Swarez:    / @swarezart  
Marshmallow Studio: https://marshmallowstudio.com.au
Ilustrata:   / ilustrata  
Jessica Molina: https://www.jessicamolina.design/
True Grit Texture Supply: https://www.truegrittexturesupply.com
J Oliver Designs: https://creativemarket.com/JOliverD...
Michelle the Painter:   / michellethepainter  
Rebecca Potts: https://www.rebeccapotts.com/
Teaching Artist Podcast: https://www.teachingartistpodcast.com/
Colin McElwaine: https://colmcelwaine.com/
Art Bar Blog: http://ArtBarBlog.com
TurboSquid: https://www.turbosquid.com/
Cubebrush: https://cubebrush.co/
3D Ocean: https://3docean.net/
CG Trader: https://www.cgtrader.com/
National Endowment for the Arts: https://www.arts.gov/
The Halstead Grant: https://grant.halsteadbead.com/
Character Design Challenge:   / characterdesignchallenge  
Helen Violet: https://helenvioletart.com/


00:00 Introduction, why I made this video
00:38 Way #1
01:34 Way #2
02:45 Way #3
03:25 Way #4
04:13 Way #5
05:13 Way #6
06:03 Way #7
07:01 Way #8
07:54 Way #9
08:42 Way #10
09:49 Way #11
10:35 Way #12
11:26 Way #13
12:10 Way #14
12:43 Way #15
13:22 Way #16
14:02 Way #17
15:00 Way #18
16:06 Way #19
16:46 Way #20


Enjoyed this video? ⭐ I teach a FREE workshop that deep dives on How To Create A Profitable Handmade Business Without Keeping Up With Social Media.
Sign up here: https://bit.ly/44MHmlm


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  / creativebizmarketing  


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Instagram:   / creativehiveco  
Facebook:   / creativehiveco  
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#etsyshop #handmadebusiness #craftbusiness

posted by griminessir