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1997 Westminster Terrier Group Final Cut

Terri Errs

The exciting and surprising end of the 1997 Westminster Terrier Group! Judge Mrs. Lydia Coleman Hutchinson selects and spars her short list of 8 dogs. Her final placements were:

1. Wire Fox Terrier: Ch. Random Reaction
2. Bedlington Terrier: Ch. Willow Wind Money Talks
3. Norfolk Terrier: Ch. MaxWell's Weatherman
4. Lakeland Terrier: Ch. Revelry's Awesome Blossom

The other dogs in her final cut were:
Sealyham Terrier: Ch. Tintern Tzarina
Border Terrier: Ch. Krispin Tailored To A T
Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier: Ch. Paisley Midnight Sun
Welsh Terrier: Ch. Anasazi Billy The Kid

Detailed information on all the above dogs can be found on my site:

Video excerpt taken from Analog Memories' Westminster video which can be found here:    • Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show (199...   (it only includes end of Terrier group and complete Toy and NonSporting groups)

posted by a2uttui