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14 year old Parker stands up for his rights. Cops say he is free to go with his dad instead of mom

Caleb Leverett

Update 3/4/24 Today is Parker's 25th birthday. He is a professional horse trainer in the Dallas/Fort Worth, TX area, specializing is starting colts. He appreciates all of the support over the years, but enjoys his privacy and does not have social media.

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Watch: Parker vs the Man to see what happened to Parker next, click here and grab a box of tissues:
   • Parker Vs the Man, Empower Yourself &...  

UPDATE 10/17/18 It's over:    • Child support is gone. It’s now 50/50...  

Update: 3/5/18 Interview via Dads Surviving Divorce:    • Caleb Leverett in his own words!  
Update 1/8/18: This issue was finally beginning to die down, until December of 2017 when deadbeat Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton seized my bank account. I have made a few videos describing what happened, click here https://www.youtube.com/edit?o=U&vide... Ken Paxton has been indicted on 3 counts of being a crook and is also running for reelection in November. #PaxtonForPrison
Twitter: @calebleverett

'Hard Working Americans' plug for Parker on Conan O'Brien!    • A Special Thanks to 'Hard Working Ame...  

Note #4: Click here to see what happened to Parker:    • Parker Vs the Man, Empower Yourself &...  
Note #3... On August 19, 2013 Judge Denn Whalen ordered that Parker go live with his mom and stepdad, who recently moved 6 hours away to San Antonio. He got about 15 minutes to say goodbye.

  / teamparker.org   Fan Page

***Note 2: For those who wish to thank officers Rocha and Spinks of the OPD, here's the contact info: Odessa Police Department, 205 N. Grant Avenue, Odessa, TX 79761 4323333641

*** NOTE 1: I appreciate the enormous support and "bad words" don't bother me at all, but for those very few trolls who are suggesting ANY sort of violence to ANYONE in this video, you disgust me and it is NOT appreciated. Voluntarism has NOTHING to do with the initiation of force. caleb

This video was recorded on Sunday, May 26, 2013. It is completely unedited. I (Caleb Leverett) uploaded the video to YouTube the very same day, but kept it set to private until June 6, 2013.

I am Parker's dad, father, biological father, Daddy and guy who cut his umbilical cord. This video was recorded, posted and released with the permission and request of my son, Parker. We only decided to release it after the stepdad in this video (Jason May) admitted to repeatedly trespassing on my land, when confronted by Parker and myself. Neither of us appreciated the harassment.

I am a subscriber to the nonaggression principle (NAP) which basically says that the initiation of force is always immoral. I raise all four of my children in a nonviolent manner, i.e., I never spank my kids... EVER. All four of my kids are very familiar with the NAP are extremely well behaved; anyone who knows them personally will testify that this is true.

Until today (Saturday, June 8, 2013) there was no description to the video. I am adding it to help others understand the broader picture. Parker has lived with me full time since the day this was filmed. I picked up my other three kids from their mom and stepdad's house yesterday for my first week of summer vacation with them. The pick up was text book perfect and without incident, of which I am thankful.

I bought Parker his very own iPhone 5 and gave the number to his mom. He is free to call or text her (or anyone in her family) any time he wishes (something I was never granted). He is also free to visit her or her family or friends any time he wishes.

On this day, he is with his cousins in Gardendale, TX playing and working on the family farm. He is excited to have a job this summer. My son and I are very close and are very open. We have a full summer planned and I am excited.

I thank many of you for your kind, encouraging words. I even thank the critics, for your words are teaching Parker and I to hone our skills, and yes, Parker and I read every single word. Have a peaceful day and remember, you own yourself. No one else owns you.

posted by malaygurl5y