0:00 (Hiroshima) Kijo Shokudo
Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/U2ESYYrFheKn2...
Address: 449 Shoko Center, Nishiku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture
URL: • 広島リピート率毎日くる常連で溢れかえる絶対飽きない円爆売...
26:23 (Hiroshima) Yamano Shokudo Restaurant
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/ZdHgT1bNSxjs6azbA
Address: 1916 Asahi, Minamiku, Hiroshima City, Hiroshima Prefecture
URL: • 衝撃のWとんかつ定食円おばあちゃんと息子が営む無限おかわりご飯セル...
57:35 (Okayama) Katsuraya
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/54tb1E56uXmmWE1a7
Address: 2921 Chidoricho, Minamiku, Okayama City, Okayama Prefecture
URL: • 働き者のご夫婦が営む激シブ大衆食堂の円最強定食が魅力的過ぎた丨Ja...
1:24:00 (Bizen) Ayamechan
Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/EUVFeQLwuWthZ...
Address: 1432 Nishikatakami, Bizen City, Okayama Prefecture
URL: • 岡山注文が殺到する歳お好み焼き姉妹の素朴な鉄板グルメ丨Japane...
1:51:25 (Hiroshima) Okonomiyaki Ganso Hassho
Map: https://maps.app.goo.gl/aLX8A1qRBg2m1...
Address: 521 Takeyacho, Nakaku, Hiroshimashi, Hiroshima
URL: • 広島熱中症に脱水症状。点滴しながら働く現役お母さんが作るガツ盛りお好み焼...
2:10:52 Bizen) Marumi
Map: https://goo.gl/maps/GNHEde2zqBZRQsp8A
Address: 886 Hise, Hisecho, Bizen City, Okayama Prefecture
URL: • 岡山信じられない注文量をさばくスーパーお姉さんのワンオペお好み焼き丨OY...
Udon Soba Hiroshima Okayama
/ @udonsobahiroshimaokayama
#fried #cutlet bowl #Hiroshima gourmet
*The information is correct as of the date of the interview.
*The menu, prices, and other store information may have changed.