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11 Simple Food Rules to Guarantee a Healthier Life | Dr. Daniel Amen


Food is medicine or it's poison. Knowing what food to eat, and having the discipline to stick to the plan, is usually the biggest gamechanger when it comes to improving the health of both your body and your brain. In this video, Dr. Amen gives his 11 simple food rules you can begin to implement in your life today so that you can optimize your health to be your best.

In 2020, The BMJ published a study exploring the role diet and nutrition play in mental health, with the lead authors stating, “Poor nutrition may be a causal factor in the experience of low mood, and improving diet may help to protect not only the physical health but also the mental health of the population.” In other words, food matters when it comes to mental health.

Unfortunately, a number of foods and food ingredients, common in the standard American diet, are toxic to mental health. They can harm your brain, and put you at increased risk for brain and mental health conditions such as depression, ADD/ADHD, anxiety disorders, and dementia. Awareness of the following toxic foods can help you to avoid what increases mental health problems and choose brainhealthy foods instead!

00:0004:48 Introduction: Food is medicine or it's poison.
04:4808:30 Rule #1: Love foods that love you back
08:3216:40 Rule #2: Go for the highest quality calories you can find
16:4119:19 Rule #3: Hydrate
19:2123:07 Rule #4: Highquality protein
23:0827:54 Rule #5: Healthy Fat
27:5531:26 Rule #6: Go for smart carbohydrates
31:2732:42 Rule #7: Use herbs & spices like medicine
32:4333:00 Rule #8: Make your food as clean as possible
33:0439:41 Rule #9: Eliminate any potential allergens
39:4240:52 Rule #10: Intermittent fasting can supercharge your brain
40:5446:53 Rule #11: Get a routine that serves your health rather than hurts it

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#healthylifestyle #healthyfood #healthyliving #healthyeating #foodrules


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posted by nwedydd5