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11 Reasons Why The INFJ Has Fewer Friends


Why do INFJs have fewer friendships? And is it true that some INFJs have no friends at all? According to the Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), INFJ is the rarest personality type in the world. They are deep and complex individuals who are often misunderstood. The INFJ personality is introverted, intuitive, feeling and judging type. And while they have some truly amazing qualities that make INFJs great friends, they are not only highly selective of whom they let into their lives, but they are often hard to get to know due to their mysterious and private nature.

And when it comes to friendships, these individuals value quality over quantity. And yes, this means that an INFJ personality type would rather have no friends than waste time on the wrong people. They prefer to have fewer close friends with whom they can have shared experiences and deep discussions about the things that matter most.

So, if you are an INFJ, the world rarest personality type, or know someone who is, you’ll enjoy this video. It sheds some light on some of the reasons why INFJs have little to no friends.


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