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10 Reasons Why I Thought I Was Autistic - Part 3 (Diagnosed In Middle Age)

Creative Autistic

Hello! Join me for part 3 of a series of videos where I share the reasons why I thought I might be autistic, which led to me getting a diagnosis earlier this year at the age of 49.

Let me know if you can relate to any of the traits or reasons listed in this video or those that you can't relate to.

Mentioned in this video:
Why I Always Look the Same on YouTube    • Why I Always Look the Same on YouTube...  

Playlist: 10 Reasons Why I Thought I Was Autistic    • Reasons Why I Thought I Was Autistic  

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Other videos you may be interested in:

I Was Diagnosed as Autistic at Nearly 50
   • An Autism Diagnosis At Nearly 50 (My ...  

What To Do If You Think You're Autistic
   • Could YOU Be Autistic?  

#latediagnosedautistic #autistic #autisticadult

posted by Bellignoh5