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10 Hidden Cat Tail Signs - You Don’t Know them All!

Cats Guide

#cat #cattails #catlanguage #catlovehuman #catlovers
Cats, our fabulously royal feline friends, are often mistaken for being shy, introverted creatures who prefer their own company. However, while cats value their personal space, they are the biggest extroverts around their favourite humans! They engage in meaningful communication with their humans all the time. you must have noticed your cat tail wagging playfully on different occasions. Most cats use their tail as an infallible tool to express their moods and feelings, creating a language that is widely accepted in the feline community. But that doesn’t mean you should feel left out! By observing the tail of your cat, you will understand your furry friend a lot better and grasp the meaning of cat tail movement.
#cat #cattails #catlanguage #catlovehuman #catlovers

posted by linalamont512c0