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10 Fastest Personal SINGLE PISTON ENGINE Airplanes

Dwaynes Aviation

Speed is fun. This video is not in the order of speed but it will be as in the order of speed as possible haha. And it is not exactly a top 10 fastest something, because if so, Lancairs might occupy 6 out of 10 planes I want cover, so I am covering planes for different missions and from different manufactures, mostly those currently in production.
The Team:
Oscar Obierefu (Creative Executive)
Nneji Valentine (Video Editor)
Voiceover by Tomislav Krevzelj
To contact me directly: [email protected]
Our channel is about Aviation.
We make the best educational aviation videos you've ever seen; my videos are designed to clear misunderstandings about airplanes and explain complicated aviation topics in a simple way.

posted by Vingstey