When you spend as much time making cards as we do, you can get bored of creating the same types of cards over and over again. Once you’ve passed the beginner cardmaking phase, you will discover that there are SO many different types of card folds to create. In this video, Amy shares 11 different card folds and exactly how to cut, score, and fold them to create new cards in your craft room. Which card fold is your favorite? We are also giving away a $30 gift certificate to the Altenew shop (https://altenew.com/) until August 23, 2024.
Learn how to create the following card folds with exact dimensions and instructions:
00:00 Intro
00:23 Side folding card that opens from the top or side
02:44 Top folding card that opens from the top or side
05:06 Simple stepper card
07:02 Gatefold card
09:39 Aperture card
12:08 Bookstyle trifold
14:36 Easel card
17:01 Slimline card
18:57 Square card
20:20 Shaped card
20:26 Zfold trifold card
23:45 Recap
GIVEAWAY WINNER (Announced August 23, 2024)
Congratulations! Please send a screenshot of this page in an email to [email protected] with the subject "Cardfold Giveaway" to claim your $30 Altenew gift certificate.
Did you enter our previous giveaway? Click here to see if you were the winner:
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