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10 ALIEN ANIMALS that should not be in the UK!

A Shot Of Wildlife

In the UK there are lots of introduced and nonnative species, more than 3,000 of them. A lot have no impact but some are detrimental to native species. These are known as Invasive NonNative Species. In this video I talk about 10 of these nonnative animals that are living wild in the UK.

Some of the footage used in this video was obtained using creative commons licences. The originals and their licence details can be found at:
   • Little OWL in different poses   
   • Little Owl Pójdźka Athene  
   • Moucho común (Athene noctua)  
   • Mozolo arrunta (Athene noctua)  
   • 24.7.09 Chevêche d'Athéna (Athene noc...  
   • Grooming Wallabies  
   • Australian Wildlife: Wallaby vs Lorikeet  
   • Coatimundi FAMILY in Puerto Vallarta,...  
   • Coatis at Duisburg Zoo  
   • Coati at Iguazu Falls  
   • Прикольные Животные Мексики, Coati.  
   • Invasion of a gang of coatis. Mexico.  
   • ウシガエル American Bullfrog,North America...  
   • ウシガエル American Bullfrog,North America...  
   • African Bull Frog ant crusher  
   • Mini Goldfish Pond  
   • Aquass  Риукин красный вуалехвост (...  
   • A Koi Fish In A Pond  
   • Happy Goldfish  
   • Ringnecked Pheasant  
   • Hand Feeding a wild Cock Pheasant in ...  
   • Feeding a pet wild Pheasant in my garden  
   • A pheasant at the farm's feeder.  
   • Garden Spring, Pheasant Hen, 24 April...  
   • 環頸雉/Ringnecked Pheasant  
   • The Pheasant Whisperer  
   • ウチダザリガニ Signal crayfish Pacifastacus ...  
   • Crayfish  
   • Rak sygnałowy  
Thumbnail images are also creative commons, here are the originals:
Wallaby by Benjamint:
Little owl by Andy Morffew:

posted by reorbiree8