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The witches cookery

The witches cookery
Welcome to my witches' kitchen where we cook magical food, infused with herbs and witchy knowledge, make treats for the pagan holidays, discuss spells and do some practical witchcraft. Stay for a cup of tea and some tarot. Learn all about herbs & spices from my green witch grimoire and how to use them in kitchen witchery. Sit back, relax while you watch me tend to my herb garden, and decorate my witch cottage. Or would you rather roam dark woods, dewy meadows, and mystical clearings with me? We can also get crafty in my woodshed and fashion some gorgeous, useful witchcraft items for your home. As a cottage witch, I'm all about gorgeous food, a cozy home & mother nature's beauty Let me share it with you. Love, your kitchen witch

#kitchenwitch #greenwitch #cottagewitch

*** New upload every Friday ***

Witchy Equipment & Favourites:

posted by Bemasatheh2