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Monique Parent

Monique Parent
Society takes it’s cues from what is seen on our TV screens and movie screens. When the only gray hair seen on TV is on senior citizens, we automatically view gray hair as “old”. The only way to change that is to get people on TV and into movies that are young and vibrant with gray hair. That’s what I am here to do. I’m here to represent. Hopefully, to implement a change in how society views those of us with sexy, silver locks Monique Parent

Hollywood actress Monique Parent discusses beauty tips she has learned in the film biz as well as aging gracefully, health and nutrition. Perfect isn't possible. We all just do the best we can!
Twitter @MoniqueParent
Instagram @MoniqueParent

P.O.Box 2240 #502
Toluca Lake, CA 916100240
[email protected]

posted by paguajs