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Helpful Vancouver Vet

Helpful Vancouver Vet
A series of pet and pethealth related videos created by Dr. Uri Burstyn, a Veterinarian from Vancouver, BC, Canada. There may be cute cats involved.

This Youtube channel provides high quality pet health advice to everyone who needs it all over the world. If you would like to support this mission and have the means to do so, please join me on Patreon or show your support by visiting my web store. Your support helps me reach people who may not have access to veterinary advice all over the world.

"Squish that Cat" stuff:

Don't like wearing shirts? I also have a Patreon:

A portion of all proceeds will go towards cat kibble for Mr. Pirate and Clawdia.

Videos are produced courtesy of the Vancouver Veterinary Group:

Find us on Facebook, Instagram and follow Dr. Uri Burstyn on twitter!

posted by hpbabysc8