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Fox Run Environmental Education Center

Fox Run Environmental Education Center
Organic gardening, wildlife conservation, and environmental education will be a few of the topics we talk about.

I am Ame Vanorio, master gardener, wildlife rehabilitator, Author, licensed science teacher, environmental educator, and lifelong organic farmer.

1. I help beginner gardeners go from growing a few vegetables to having a productive garden so that they can provide nutritious organic food for their family/friends. I share things that have worked (and some that didn't) for me.

2. I help new wildlife lovers and rehabilitators learn more about wildlife rescue, building backyard wildlife habitat, and humane ways to protect your garden.

3. I teach environmentally friendly ways we can live our lives and improve our communities.

Fox Run EEC is a 501c3 Nonprofit that produces educational content via video, books, articles, and online and inperson classes. After paying our expenses we donate money to wildlife rehabbers and school gardens.
*Check out my books on Amazon*

posted by viariaNiz62