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Fishy McFishface

Fishy McFishface
Welcome to Fishy McFishface! This channel is all about snorkeling and how to get the most out of it, while appreciating God's creation. I did my PhD in coastal engineering, so have a big passion for all things water related. Watch, like, and subscribe, and share with anyone you know who might be interested in this channel.

The main types of content on this channel are:
long length snorkeling trip videos (15 min 1 hr) I find these nice to relax to when winding down
medium length snorkeling tips videos (5 min 15 min) videos about snorkeling and how to get the most out of it
medium length snorkeling location summaries (5 min 15 min) videos about picking the right conditions for different snorkel spots
medium length species identification videos (5min)
shorts for species identification (15 s 1 min)
shorts for marine wildlife behavior (15s 1 min)

posted by lunecilla96