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Barreldelphia Media

Barreldelphia Media
By the common fan, for the common fan.

I’m no expert. I’ve never claimed to be. Just because I post videos on YouTube doesn’t make me better than you, smarter than you, or more knowledgeable than you on any given topic. I embody that philosophy through each video I upload to this channel; I encourage conversation! Tell me I’m wrong! Tell me I’m dumb! Tell me I’m delusional (I’ve gotten that one many times)! Not only do I welcome conversation but I encourage it. In my videos, I give you my opinion on whatever that topic may be an opinion that’s based on facts, but I acknowledge includes some bias. I believe everything I say so I’m not afraid to stand by my takes even if they’re wrong. At the end of the day, I’m just a guy making YouTube videos and hoping to find some common ground with others, in turn creating a community. So view Barreldelphia Media as that: a community, by the common fan, for the common fan.

posted by okorelebf